Destination Business Training

Destination business training delivers a deep and meaningful experiential learning environment that builds a strong knowledge foundation and a greater level of confidence at the end of the training course.

Fire Dragon has been running destination training for over 10 years and here are our 5 reasons to invest in destination training.  If you want to get the best ROI on your training spend, destination business training always delivers.

5 Benefits Of Destination Business Training

1. Environment

A new environment always brings a fresh perspective. However, an environment overflowing with natural beauty, comfort and ease allows us to feel nurtured and cared for.  When all of our basic needs are taken care of with seamless ease, our mind is free and we’re open to learn. 

We naturally develop a ‘can do’ mindset.  We start to realise that anything is possible. What’s more, when we’re comfortable and we have space for solitude, uninterrupted thought and self-reflection, life appears differently.  Quite simply, we’re giving ourselves the gift of ‘freedom to be’.  As if we’re able to stop time while we’re in this place and see our lives from the outside in.

When we’re learning to expand our mindset and develop possibility thinking, it’s imperative we learn how to shift our perspective, find inspiration, draw connections between concepts and more.  In a blissful environment we’re unconsciously learning how that happens.  Our destination business training environments are selected for their natural surroundings, slower pace, space and quiet.

2. Balancing Intense Thought With Relaxation

When we’re taking-in a vast amount of new information, our brains are working very hard.  Just like our bodies, our minds benefit from rest and recuperation after learning.

Specifically, with mindset shift, core skills or certified NLP for business training, we’re taking in vast amounts of new information. Moreover, we’re practising new techniques on one another and working on real issues.  That is to say, we’re delving deep into our minds from a logical, conceptual and emotional perspective.  It’s an intense and tiring experience. 

So, just as we benefit from a hot bath and a cup of tea after re-arranging the furniture in our house, we benefit from profound relaxation after days of learning and perspective shift.

Destination business training

At a destination training venue, you can lounge around in a hammock, have a drink with fellow students or guests, go for a swim or a dive or take a long walk.  There is space to process your learning experience and knowledge.

3. No Distractions – Away From Work

Destination Training

Sometimes our daily lives offer us a great excuse NOT to focus inside, on who we are, what we want and more.  In other cases, life is just so busy that we don’t believe we can prioritise exploration and learning over the ‘musts’ of the day to day.

When we are far-removed from our usual life experience, we are free from distractions in the moment. In fact, we’re separate from urgent matters that, seemingly, only we can resolve, and everything else that seems to eat into our usual timetable.  Actually, that freedom often causes us to question whether we are choosing to engage in those distractions and if they’re really important at all.

When we’re learning to expand our mindset mastery, find our motivation, study NLP techniques or coaching techniques, this mind freedom can offer great support.

That is to say, having uninterrupted time to explore our minds, our thoughts and our feelings is incredibly valuable. 

Free from distraction we find resolution more quickly and we can turn up the intensity at will, knowing that we can crawl into bed afterwards, if we want a bit of extra TLC after a breakthrough.

The gift of space and time in any life is precious.  For this type of learning experience, I would argue that it’s the difference that makes the difference.

4. New People – New Energy

When we engage in destination business training we meet a range of different people.  Company-specific bespoke business courses, allow delegates to mix with different people during leisure hours.

If you’re attending a certified NLP training for business, it’s an open learning structure.  Specifically, the environment is new to everyone, which brings a sense of equality and curiosity for one and all.  Everyone’s present for the same purpose, and everyone wants to engage.

I think we all know what happens when you put a group of highly engaged people in a room together.  That’s right – MAGIC! What’s more, when you’re developing business skills or learning coaching or NLP, it’s so useful to blend different cultures, perspectives, ideas and dreams.

Destination Business Training

Specifically, destination business training gives you a lot of experience in using the techniques in a very short space of time.

Equally delightful is the ability to share with people on such an intimate level.  When we meet others who are also driven to gain self-insight, understanding, realise their dreams and more, we can find motivation and inspiration in unexpected places.

5. Focus

When we visit a destination for a purpose, we are naturally motivated to get the best out of that experience.  What’s more, when we’re free from the physical daily distraction of work or family, we free our minds to focus on the experience at hand.  We literally give ourselves permission to immerse ourselves in the learning project.

In fact, when we direct our in this laser-like way, we get so much value out of the day-to-day experience, because we’re looking for the learning opportunity.  That is to say, when we work with a new technique, or when we learn something interesting, we’re asking ourselves “how can I apply this in my business or personal life?”  Having that experience supports us in taking ownership of the learning process.

Additionally, destination business training is one of the best ways to align a team and ensure people feel really valued in their role.

Ready To Find Out More About Destination Business Training?

Either visit the Contact Us page or send an email to to discover more about:

  1. Destination Business Training For Bespoke Business Courses
  2. Core Skills Training at an off-site destination.
  3. Certified NLP Training For Business at one of our beautiful destination locations.

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