A Resilient Mind Is Trained

Resilience is a core skill, beneficial in business and life. Just like any skill, it’s something we can train our minds to learn. Being resilient is not shying away from challenges. It’s not an absence of fear or doubt. We are not invulnerable when we are expanding to achieve our dreams and desires. It’s the act of knowing yourself and learning the art of self-management. A resilient mind is trained to recognise its agenda, biases, and triggers and manage accordingly to maintain balance.

A Resilient Mind Is Trained: Where Do We Begin?

We begin by taking the time to get to know ourselves, building from the ground up. We can discover if we enjoy spending time with ourselves when free from ANY distraction. Where does your mind wander when you give yourself nothing to do? How do you feel? Do you feel calm, agitated, peaceful, relaxed, anxious, or something else?

If we begin here, we begin to understand what we direct our energy and attention to that does not exist in the present moment. Specifically, we begin to identify how much time we allow our mind to spend in the past and the future. We can start to notice whether that “out of now” time is helpful or unhelpful. If we are feeling anxious, as we direct our thoughts into the future or back out to the past, it can be interesting to notice what happens when we draw our focus back into the present moment.

You can choose to make time for this every day and you’ll quickly learn how to maintain a peaceful state by focusing all your thoughts and energy in the present.

A Building Sense of Inner Knowing

a resilient mind is trained

As you get to know who you are when you are alone and how your mind can travel, you get into the habit of learning to observe your thoughts in the now. Your ability to feel the connection between your emotions, your energy, and your thoughts increases dramatically. By taking a higher perspective, you can notice what situations, experiences, and conversations trigger an emotional or motivational shift.

This level of self-awareness directs you to make more helpful decisions about your environment, what conversations you choose to engage in, and when. When you observe your reaction in the present you can appreciate when to speak and when to be silent. You know when to breathe in and count to 10 and you can present our viewpoint with a quiet assertion. Connection to self builds and gives you even more insight.

The Trust & Acceptance Connection

Moreover, you will develop an inherent knowledge of your energy cycles; allowing you to know when to push forward and when to rest. Even more helpful, you will identify the best way to tune your mind for motivation every morning.

As we show our body and mind this level of respect and acknowledgement, we begin to trust what we can do and accept ourselves as we are.  In turn, this leads to a less-judgemental perception.  Instead of driving ourselves to be who we think we should be, we allow ourselves to be who we are; free to utilise our gifts and operate from a place of authenticity.

This freedom gives us the opportunity to acknowledge our own agenda, goals, desires and biases.  Armed with this awareness, we can decipher information more objectively, opening us up to cleaner interpretation and more connected communication. 

The more compassion we can have for others, the more powerful our leadership skills are.

Developing Your Own Tools

There are may tools and techniques for developing a resilient mindset.

In reality, the only ones that are guaranteed to work for you are those you observe working in your daily experience.  Testing and feedback, doubt, and uncertainty are part of the process. The looser we can hold our beliefs and the more we can release needing to know, the more self-certainty we open ourselves up to.

From there, we can acknowledge that the mind contains the medicine we need to direct our motivation, ‘feel-good’ factor, and physical well-being.

There is no one-size-fits-all. It’s about investing the time to personally empower ourselves.

Ensure you know what triggers you emotionally and, conversely, what gets you out of a slump and back into positive momentum.  If you start from there, use that awareness with purpose, everything you build on that foundation from your inner wisdom can only serve you well.

Find Out More About Working With Fire Dragon Lanka

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